“I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Kevin James and I have recently joined Tailor Made/Peach Technologies as Chief Operations Officer. I am currently making my way around our customer base and I am interested to hear feedback and advice from many of you.

“I have contacted many customers recently and in the forefront of their minds is the dreaded Coronavirus and how prepared we are in the event that the worst case happens. Today, we are running business as usual but like many of you we remain vigilant. We are obviously following the Government guidelines, as you are today. Our staff have been educated on washing their hands and general advice has been given on contact. As you would expect, we do practice what we preach and operate hosted cloud solutions to run our business.

“For the last couple of days we have rehearsed our full disaster recovery procedures with our staff operating support phones and systems working from home. In the event that we are restricted from accessing our building by the authorities, I am more than confident we can deliver business as usual. All our staff are instructed to take their computers and phones home after completing their shifts so they are always in a state of readiness.

“Our onsite engineers have also, where possible, been asked to take their equipment home and to test appropriate remote technology. If a customer site is requested to close by the authorities, we have asked our engineers to make sure in advance that they can continue to work or if they cannot to raise it with their onsite contact today.

“These are unusual times for every business leader in the UK today and whilst the infection remains low, the Government Chief Medical Officer continues to warn us all that a wave of unknown proportion is on its way. We all therefore continue to operate business as usual.

“Further to this, we are now receiving a large amount of demand for technology (such as laptops) to enable our customers a greater level of remote working and we can see the supply chain is being squeezed. I think it is important for you to know the global supply chain is under pressure and we are seeing some restrictions and shortages in some areas. We monitor this daily and would encourage any customers who have not tested their full remote working capability to do so as soon as possible so that we can provide any additional help and support in a timely manner.”

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